Custom Software Tool Development
Every Sustainability Situation is Unique – and Sometimes Your Sustainability Tools Should Be Too
Would an application-specific tool provide better support for your sustainability efforts than off-the-shelf solutions? EarthShift Global supports the development of Footprint Calculators, internal benchmarking and design tools, and a wide range of more complicated LCA and S-ROI tools customized for particular applications.
We offer semi-custom to fully customized tools as follows:
- Custom templates for EarthSmart, PackageSmart, and 3Pillars
- Footprint calculators based on EarthSmart or PackageSmart
- Excel-based tools for LCA and S-ROI
- Custom front-ends for Brightway2 or OpenLCA
- SimaPro Wizards or Share & Collect models
We conceptualize and engineer tools that will expand with you. As your clients request more from you and you delve deeper into sustainability, you can easily add additional footprints or dig further into your models. We take responsibility for keeping our online tools up to date so you always have the best available data and methods.
A customized tool allows you to apply basic principles to a highly specific or idiosyncratic problem, and then scale up your findings into a larger sustainability program. Very often, once a process and its value are brought into focus around a singular issue, the rationale for increasing the scope and depth of sustainability commitments across an organization becomes apparent.
All our software programs are designed to provide critical environmental data including life-cycle stages and carbon calculations that can be transferred to various departments, divisions, or locations across a corporate structure.
The ease of use and ready access to data allows your technical staff to quickly determine, at the earliest stages of design or development, which options have the least environmental impact.
Contact EarthShift Global, +1 (207) 608-6228 for a free consultation or email: [email protected].