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EarthShift Global Sustainability Partners Network:
Our Global Knowledge Network – And, Your Resource

Since 2000, EarthShift Global’s team members have been prominent participants in the global environmental sustainability community, forming partnerships, helping develop international standards, and collaborating with industry, governments, universities, NGOs, and other sustainability experts.

Today, the EarthShift Global Sustainability Partners Network unites a diverse range of resources that can be engaged on behalf of our clients – and through our leadership positions in many LCA governing organizations, we’re helping make LCA increasingly relevant to current and future environmental challenges.

Organizations Addressing Sustainability

EarthShift Global personnel are committed to helping build worldwide sustainability infrastructure, and regularly participate on sustainability organizations’ boards and committees, and as speakers and moderators at conferences. We help disseminate information, research findings, and best practices, and ensure that our own knowledge is up to date.

Software Distributors

The following organizations resell EarthShift Global software, and provide a range of value-added services that can be called upon by our clients.

LCA and Sustainability Consultants

Every client situation is unique, and when specialized knowledge is needed to help address a challenge or solve a problem, EarthShift Global is able to draw on some of the world’s best-known and most effective LCA and sustainability experts.