Screening, Single/Multi-Product LCAs
In a screening LCA, data and information are used to build preliminary models of the studied systems so that early insights can be developed.
Screening-Level LCA/Hotspot Analysis
- Are you curious about where the majority of impacts are occurring in your product’s life cycle?
- Are you seeking a cost-effective means to quickly identify the environmental hotspots in your product design or supply chain?
If so, a screening-level LCA or “hotspot analysis” is the most cost-effective way to gain a high-level view of your product’s environmental footprint. Knowing where your biggest impacts originate allows you to focus your investment dollars and maximize the reduction of your environmental footprint.
In a screening LCA, readily available data and information are used to build preliminary models of the studied systems so that early insights can be developed on comparative results, data gaps, and unexpected outcomes. This preliminary modeling will include the ability to model scenarios of interest, such as exploring the influence of key assumptions (e.g., service life, end-of-life disposal), and to develop an understanding of the environmental hot-spots in the life cycle of the product(s) under study.
The primary activities include the development of the goal and scope, a compilation of the life cycle inventory (LCI), modeling of the production processes and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and reporting of results. The project will be completed according to data collection and quality (completeness, verification, etc.) specifications required by ISO 14040 (2006) and 14044 (2006).
Single-Product or Multi-Product Life Cycle Assessment
- Are you seeking to establish a baseline of one or more product’s environmental footprint for use as a benchmark for future assessments of similar products?
- Are you receiving customer requests for more comprehensive information regarding the environmental performance of your product?
If so, EarthShift Global can help you move forward by performing a rigorous, ISO-compliant single or multi-product LCA that is ready for critical review – so you’ll be ready to provide your customers with the information they need to make informed decisions.
The single or multi-product LCA would be built off the data and insights obtained in the screening LCA, and would generally involve the following tasks:
- Updating the LCI and modeling;
- A more detailed LCIA, including sensitivity analysis and uncertainty analysis;
- Preparation of a full ISO-compliant report for external communication; and
- Internal critical review of the study by an EarthShift Global expert (noted as a separate line item in pricing below).
Interested in more information about our life cycle assessment solutions?
Please call +1 (207) 608-6228, contact us by email for a personal consultation, or use our consulting services inquiry form.