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TheShift E-Newsletter

CILCA | ACLCA Institute | New Courses on Data Visualization | Upcoming Training

Ethical Data Visualization in LCA Webinar | Electronic Design Award | Share LCA | Upcoming Training

Free webinar: Design-concurrent LCA - the Opportunities & Limitations in Product Development | How LCA Supports Design | Upcoming Training

Holiday Recipes and LCA Impacts from our Global Team

Free webinar: Comparative LCA of Plant and Animal Based Meats | FOODIE Conference Case Studies | Upcoming Training

Free webinar: Data Visualization | Polymer composite R&D and LCA at UMaine | Upcoming Training

New MatterPD software for product design

ACLCA 2024 | Underspecification | Upcoming Training

Electronics Circularity Webinar | ISO Circularity Standards | Upcoming Training

LCA of Healthcare Webinar | LCA in Healthcare Trends | HP Commercial Print LCA | Upcoming Training

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