April 2023 Shift
Social Impact Webinar | S-ROI | Welcome Joel | Upcoming Training
Free Webinar:
Measuring the "Social" (What, How, Who and Why?)
DATE: April 20, 2023
TIME: 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET
PRESENTER: Dr Sarah Thomas de Benitez
Dr Sarah Thomas de Benitez is a British-Mexican international consultant and researcher working in the social justice and sustainable development sectors. After a successful career developing and strengthening socially innovative civil society organisations (CSOs) for children and families, she has specialised in ways of ‘measuring the social’ to help articulate the case for joined-up policy-making and structural reforms. Within this, she has led Social Life Cycle Analysis for clients in Peru and Jamaica.
Sarah’s consulting clients have included United Nations agencies, Government departments and international companies as well as international not-for-profits. As a researcher she has written published books, chapters and articles on street-connections in English and Spanish. Sarah is a visiting fellow at the LSE’s Latin America and Caribbean Centre where she is recognised for her expertise in children’s rights, social exclusion and participatory evaluation.
Sarah has advanced data analysis and qualitative research skills. She holds a BSc in Agricultural Economics from Newcastle, a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Princeton, and a MSc and PhD in Social Policy Research from the London School of Economics.
Access to Webinar Registration Link and Recordings
Sustainable-ROI: A Powerful Assessment Tool for Impact Investors

To get a clearer perspective on which investments are worthwhile, apply S-ROI’s economic, environmental, and social assessment capabilities for risk-reward analysis
According to Investopedia, impact investing is an investment strategy that aims to generate specific beneficial social or environmental effects in addition to financial gains. Impact investments may take the form of numerous asset classes and may result in many specific outcomes. The point of impact investing is to use money and investment capital for positive social results.
Success in any impact investing scenario depends on knowing that your investment is worth it. Often, the payback metric is based on one aspect of a business or organization — a product with lower greenhouse gas emissions, job opportunities for an underserved population, or preservation of a plot of land. But knowledgeable investors won’t want to take that for granted. They want confidence that their investment has the potential to create a larger impact than simply purchasing carbon credits or paying someone a living wage.
There is a way to assess these potential impacts: Sustainable Return on Investment, or S-ROI, is a method of assessing environmental, social, and economic risks and opportunities associated with the company, product, or service you are evaluating for investment.Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Diverse LCA Experience Make Joel Bonales Revuelta a Valuable Addition to Our Team

Like many in the sustainability field, Joel Bonales Revuelta, EarthShift Global’s newest Sustainability Analyst, brings a lifelong love of nature to his work. But the real power behind his success in life cycle assessment (LCA), carbon footprinting, and impact evaluation has been a broad knowledge base and his ability to apply it effectively across a diverse range of sectors.
“I was sensitized to environmental topics from an early age but wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until I had to choose a college major,” recalls Joel. The breakthrough came when he explored an environmental sciences program at Mexico’s prestigious national university, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), which has a campus in his home town, Morelia, Michoacán.
“I realized that studying environmental sciences would give me the opportunity to analyze environmental problems with an interdisciplinary approach – biology, geography, political science, economics, some engineering,” says Joel. “All of these perspectives are needed to help improve the relationship between society and nature.”
Upcoming Training
Impact Assessment Methods - April 18, 2023
Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment - April 25-26, 2023
Social Impact Assessment, Sustainability-ROI - May 16, 2023
Practical Life Cycle Assessment - May 2-3, 2023 or Recorded On Demand
Advanced Life Cycle Assessment - Interpretation - May 23-24, 2023