EarthShift Global is proud to welcome another new member to our international sustainability consulting team: Miguel Hernandez, who will serve as a Junior Sustainability Analyst in our Bogotá, Colombia office.
Prospective LCA and the more comprehensive Anticipatory LCA have been developed to enable the application of LCA to emerging technologies early in their design phases.
How EarthShift Global Training Builds High Performance LCA Teams
Over 5 billion gallons of heating oil are burned in the US annually, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change.
“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.”
Organizations managing for sustainability focus on the “triple bottom line” — the three bottom lines of planet, people, and profit.
As Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been increasingly adopted as an analytical tool by corporations, organizations, and public agencies, there’s been a parallel rise in research into how LCA is done and how its utility for sustainability assessment and decision-making can be improved.
With ever-increasing interest in sustainability, companies serving both consumer and B-to-B markets often find it beneficial to highlight an attribute of a product, process, or piece of packaging that sounds good from a sustainability perspective.