Advisory Board
Technical Advisory Board
The EarthShift Global Technical Advisory Board provides guidance on our development of methodologies and tools that will shape the future of LCA and S-ROI.

Thomas Seager
Tom is a professor of sustainable engineering and senior sustainability scientist at Arizona State University. Tom has been exploring all avenues for jump-starting sustainability, including efforts in Anticipatory LCA, stochastic weighting, and effective methods for teaching sustainability. We value Tom for his ability to think creatively about the challenges we face as a society.

Matt Pietryzkowski
Leveraging big-data resources is Matt’s focus as a senior data scientist at GE. WIth a diverse background in big data, LCA and statistics, familiarity with S-ROI, and knowledge of the many different types of on-line tools available, Matt helps us with data visualization and exploration.

Chris Mutel
A researcher at the Paul Sherrer Instutut in Switzerland, Chris has been exploring site-specific data and methods in LCA. He develops open-source LCA tools that incorporate robust uncertainty analysis, and wrote the back-end calculation engine for our 3Pillars S-ROI software. Chris helps us with methodological choices and advanced analysis.

Jeremy Gregory
Jeremy is a research scientist in MIT’s Civil and Environmental Engineering department and executive director of the Institute’s Concrete Sustainability Hub. His research focuses on making LCA more practical, and on economic and environmental implications of engineering and system design decisions. He provides us with important strategic and technical insights.

Randolph Kirchain
Randy is a research scientist at MIT’s Engineering Systems Division. His work focuses on the environmental and economic implications of materials choices, including life cycle economics and materials system sustainability. His understanding of the links between environment and economics is especially valuable to EarthShift Global.

Claire A. Nelson
Dr. Claire A. Nelson is a noted futurist, social innovator, and leader in sustainability. Her specialties include strategic foresight, international development project design, sustainability engineering, scenario analysis, stakeholder consultation, futures exploration design and facilitation, and storytelling in business. Claire works with EarthShift Global as an advisor on international development and supports our sustainable return on investment (S-ROI) work, providing facilitation services as well as interpretation of study results.
Business Advisory Board
EarthShift Global’s Business Advisory Board provides strategic guidance on marketing, finances, and operations.

Kay Aikin
Kay graduated with one of the first sustainability engineering degrees (Penn State) and has worked as an energy engineer, architectural designer and software executive. She is currently a founder of an Applied Science software company leading the commercialization effort of a new class of technology called an "executable graph framework" that provides improved analytics capabilities in systems of systems applications many that include artificial intelligence. For EarthShift Global she brings expertise at the intersection of modern analytics technologies and commercialization.

Richard Munkelwitz
Richard has built a professional reputation through his work in mergers, acquisitions and corporate finance with high technology, environmental and manufacturing companies. He advises EarthShift Global on strategic planning, operational decision making, and financial forecasting.

Lou Altman, In Memoriam
Lou was an extremely helpful and positive presence during the launch and first two years of EarthShift Global. His entrepreneurial and interpersonal wisdom still helps guide our company. We miss his big spirit as well as comradeship, and are thankful for having had him in our lives.

Judie Hart
Judie has provided tactical marketing management for small to large-sized businesses as well as other organizations. She is able to look at our marketing communications from a big picture viewpoint and help us reach our target audiences more effectively.